
Garbha Pindasana / Embryo in the womb(Power Yoga Pose)

Garbha Pindasana — (Embryo in the womb)

Garbha means womb, pinda means embryo. Indeed we are making ourselves like an embryo in the womb in this posture! This pose is particularly good for females. It strengthens the uterus, it is good during pregnancy. It helps to prepare the fetus for correct positioning at birth, it is beneficial for a pregnant woman and may be practiced up through the first trimester. After all, it is said that we rock and roll clockwise nine times signifying the nine months of pregnancy. This is the twenty-sixth Power Yoga Pose.

Garbha Pindasana
Power Yoga Pose

How to do Garbha Pindasana — (Embryo in the womb)?

  1. From downward dog hop through to Dandasana
  2. Inhaling place your legs in louts, right leg first. Remember to protect your knees by fully bending the knee joint and moving your calf and thigh as one connected unit into the lotus position. If possible (as you get more flexible in lotus) “tighten” your lotus by squeezing your knees toward each other and press your heels toward your navel. This makes a slightly bigger opening to thread your arms through.
  3. Exhaling thread both your arms through the opening between your thigh and calf.
  4. Bend your elbows and if possible catch your ears or your chin. Hold here balancing on your sits bones for 5 deep breaths while pressing both heels in on either side of your navel.
  5. Bend your head forward. Take hold of the crown of your head and exhaling roll back on the spine, inhaling roll forward on the spine as you go around in clockwise motion (while your hips are in the air swivel them to the right to help with this motion). If possible roll directly on the spine. This rolling on the spine helps to align the vertebrae. Be careful not to swing your neck or legs as you rock and roll. Pull your legs in tight with your arms as you round your spine and use your band has to rock.
  6. Round your spine, tuck your chin, isometric push/pull your arms and legs into each other, and begin your rock and roll. If you are challenged with rocking and rolling on your spine this can be due to two reasons, 1) weak abdominals or 2) a rigid spine that does not flex. If either of these is the case for you, practice the rocking back on your spine training the abdominals and the spine, do not add the clockwise motion until you are able to rock and roll smoothly.
  7. When a full circle has been completed-preferably as you begin your 10th roll, take a big inhale roll up with a little more force to balance on your palms lifting your body off the floor and lifting the back and chest fully, this is Kukkutasana. If you are not in lotus — or in lotus but not yet able to thread your hands through you can press your hands down into the floor and lift up as best you can. Hold Kukkutasana for five deep breaths.
  8. Exhale release down. Pull your arms out ground your hands by your hips pick up and pull through while in lotus and jump back for vinyasa.
  1. Garbha Pindasana cleans and tones the liver and spleen and strengthens the uterus and rectum.
  2. It activates the first three chakras.
  3. Kukkutasana strengthens the arms and shoulders, relieves urine problems by strengthening the urethra and when done with nauli cures constipation.
  4. Garbha Pindasana and Kukkutasana both are very effective in opening the hip joints even further making your lotus more comfortable.

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