BJP has been earning quite a reputation for renaming places, but BJP themselves have landed in a ‘renaming’
issue now. It is eminent historian Irfan Habib who has found something very interesting about Amit Shah’s name.
Habib said that Amit Shah’s name is of Persian origin and BJP should consider changing that.
His surname ‘Shah’ is of Persian origin and not of Gujarati. Even the term Gujarat itself is of Persian origin. Agra city is the biggest home to the Agrawal community and they are the followers of Maharaja Agrasen, who once ruled Agravan. Just like the neighbouring country Pakistan where everything that is not Islamic has been removed, BJP and right-wing supporters want to change things which are non-Hindu, particularly of Islamic origin. The BJP governments’ renaming spree is very much in line with the RSS’s Hindutva policy. Since the government is changing Muslim names, so it should also rename its Muslim leaders.
said Habib.
Meanwhile, UP cabinet minister and Suheldev Bharatiya Samaj Party (SBSP) chief Om Prakash Rajbhar on Saturday urged the ruling party to first rename its Muslim leaders before setting out to change names of cities and districts
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