The teaser for the movie “Laapataa Ladies,” directed by Kiran Rao, has been garnering acclaim at the 2023 Toronto International Film Festival. This film offers a sneak peek into the comical world it is set to present to its audience, and it received a standing ovation from the viewers during its screening at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF).
Produced by Aamir Khan and Jyoti Deshpande, “Laapataa Ladies” is presented by Jio Studios. It is directed by Kiran Rao and is a production of Aamir Khan Productions and Kindling Productions. The screenplay and dialogues are penned by Sneha Desai, and the script is based on an award-winning story by Biplab Goswami.
Kiran Rao, who made her directorial debut with “Dhobi Ghat” in 2010, is returning to the director’s chair after a hiatus of 13 years with this film.
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