In advance of Independence Day 2024, the Delhi Police have significantly stepped up their security measures by posting images of wanted terrorists throughout the city. Sub-inspector Komal explained that this initiative aims to heighten public awareness and involvement as the national holiday approaches.
Additionally, the Delhi Police have enforced a ban on sub-conventional aerial devices, including para-gliders, paramotors, hang-gliders, drones, and microlight aircraft. This precautionary measure comes in response to potential security threats, including concerns about targeted attacks on Independence Day.
Police Commissioner has urged residents to stay alert, citing recent incidents such as the attack on former US President Donald Trump as a reminder of the security risks. Last year’s Independence Day saw multiple bomb threat calls, causing widespread alarm. With similar warnings this year, particularly concerning the Red Fort where Prime Minister Narendra Modi will preside over the ceremonies, the Delhi Police are taking comprehensive steps to ensure public safety and the smooth execution of the celebrations.
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