Yogi’s ‘Annapurna Bhojanalayas’ : Know the menu here

Yogi Adityanath announced Annapurna Bhojanalayas to provides wholeday meals at cheap rates. This is in a way on the sets of Amma canteens in Tamil Nadu.

This initiative of the Uttar Pradesh government was announced on Twitter to ensure that no one remains hungry in the state and the outlets will serve unlimited helpings at Rupees 5, breakfast in these canteens across UP will have tea, pakoras, poha and one will have to shell out rupees 3 for this.

Lunch and dinner will cost rupees 5, which will include rice, chapati, dal and season vegetables.

The BJP government led by the 44-year-old has already started working on this scheme, but the formal launch will take some more time. Initially, 200 outlets of Annapurna Bhojanalayas will be opened to benefit the poor and the BJP government in UP hopes that labours across cities also benefit from this scheme.

The labour department of the UP government will join hands with an NGO and the duo will maintain the canteens and also run them.



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