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Should we Snatch him? This Country Refuses to Turn Zakir Naik Over to Indian Authorities.

Zakir Naik, the controversial Islamic preacher is wanted in India for terror-related activities and hate speech, but then he has carved a convenient niche for himself in Malaysia. He reportedly left India in 2016 and then made his way to Malaysia, where a significant Muslim population exists.

Zakir Naik was later granted Permanent residency in Malaysia. According to reports, India had asked Malaysia to extradite Zakir Naik in January as the two countries have an extradition treaty. But then Malaysia seems to have rejected India’s request to hand him over. Malaysian P.M Mahathir Mohammad said Zakir Naik will not be sent back.

see also: NIA Report Reveals Zakir Naik’s Hand in Coimbatore Murder Case

“As long as he is not creating any problem, we will not deport him because he has been given permanent residency status”, Mahathir said at a news conference in administrative capital Putrajaya outside Kuala Lumpur when asked about reports.

Zakir Naik said that he has no plans to return to India that he felt safe from unfair prosecution and dismissed news of his return as totally baseless and false.



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