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“Party loses relationship with people, CPM votes went to BJP”,says CPM state committee

CPM state committee criticized that the party is losing the relationship with the people. There were criticisms that the party couldn’t foresee the debacle in the Lok Sabha polls. The committee, however, didn’t discuss the sexual allegations against Kodiyeri Balakrishnan’s son Binoy Kodiyeri and the suicide of expat businessman in Anthoor.

Another major criticism was that there was a widespread leak of party votes to the BJP. Without dismissing the govt’s stand on Sabarimala issue, there were opinions that the party should make the stand clear on the Sabarimala issue.

BJP traded votes to UDF in order to ensure LDF defeat, the CPM state committee observed. The committee also added that the LDF couldn’t overcome the UDF and BJP campaigns using Sabarimala.


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