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ONGC leads rescue efforts for the toddler who fell in to bore well in Tamil Nadu

Rescue efforts are still on as the six expert rescue teams failed to reach up to the two-year-old boy who fell into an uncovered borewell on the cornfield of his father three days ago.

A team from ONGC had reached the site and began work late Saturday night to dig a pit parallel to the borewell pipe and a little deeper than the boy’s position at 100 ft. A volunteer from the state fire service has been drafted to don special outfit, including focus light and tunneling equipment, to drill a four-inch diameter tunnel to reach the boy.”We first thought of digging the pit about one meter from the borewell but decided to do it three meters away to prevent caving in of the soft mud or the vibration if we hit a rock which could harm the kid and the borewell. These experts are experienced in doing such deep tunnels, such as the underground Metro Rail works”, said Minister Vijaya Baskar, adding that he hoped the boy would be reached by the brave fireman in about three hours.

Two-year-old Sujith Wilson is said to slip further deep into the well, with mud falling off from the walls of the narrow well. Oxygen is being pumped to the well. Sujith has been responding to his parent’s call earlier this morning, but he is now answering with a feeble ‘hmm…’.


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