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Additional Superintendent ‘fearless’ Thounaojam Brinda returns gallantry award

Imphal: Thounaojam Brinda, the lady officer who was awarded the Gallantry Medal for single-handedly fighting the war on drugs in the state, returned the chief minister’s award in connection with the war on drugs in Manipur.  Brinda was the additional superintendent in the Manipur police. She returned the award in protest against the ND&PS Court, 1985 Court’s acquittal of Lhukhosei Zou, former chairman of the Autonomous District Council (ADC), along with six others, in a multi-crore drug seizure case.

Brinda wrote a letter to CM: “In recognition for this case … I was conferred the Chief Minister’s Police Medal for Gallantry… However, the investigation and prosecution have been deemed unsatisfactory … I feel morally inclined that I have not conducted my duty as ‘per the wishes’ of the criminal justice delivery system of the land.” Brinda expressed dissatisfaction with how the case was handled.

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