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Cheetah delivered seven cubs; lost six and she left to Tanzania with lone cub….

The mother can only grieve because she is unable to speak. Despite the heartbreaking experience, the mother lovingly cared for the baby and shared heartwarming moments with wildlife watchers.

Siligi is a six-year-old cheetah. A six-year-old cheetah at the Masai Mara Wildlife Sanctuary in Kenya a year ago attracted wildlife watchers and photographers from around the world. He came to Kenya from neighboring Tanzania. Siligi had made history for having seven children in one delivery. The delivery was unusual. This is because seven babies are born very rarely. Four to five babies are normal, sixth rare, seven is extraordinary.

Protecting babies can often put the mother in crisis. This mother’s six children were killed one by one by enemy attacks within six months. Four and a half months ago there was only one baby left. It was directly protected by the mother from many ordeals. The mother left Kenya with the remaining child and fled to Tanzania. Kenyan forest officials have received information that a mother and child have been spotted in Tanzania. Wildlife watchers are fascinated by the mother’s stay in Tanzania to protect her remaining baby.


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