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‘Are Taliban terrorists or not’: Omar Abdullah to union government

Srinagar: Former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah hit out at the Union government over their discussion with the Taliban. Abdullah asked the government to say whether Taliban is a terrorist outfit or not.

‘Either the Taliban is a terror organisation or it is not. Please clarify how you (the Government of India) see the Taliban. If it is not a terrorist organisation, please move in the UN to remove it from the list of terror organisations. Let its bank accounts start functioning. Let us not treat them differently’, said the National Conference leader.

Also Read:  ‘We should liberate Kashmir from enemies of Islam’: Al-Qaeda congratulates Taliban

‘If they are a terror organisation, why are you talking to them? If they are not a terror organisation, why are you not recognising their government? Make up your mind’, he added.

On Tuesday, the Indian Ambassador to Qatar Deepak Mittal held discussion with Taliban leader Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanekzai in Doha. This was the first meeting between India and Taliban.


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