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Following these tips will help prevent infertility

Infertility is causes when the sperm count is very low. Fertility refers to people’s ability to reproduce without medical assistance.  Experts claim that, about one in every six couples face this problem and one in every three cases is due to fertility problems in men.

Infertility can be prevented by following some simple tips. Following these steps will increase the sperm count.

Exercise: Exercise improves reproductive health. Studies show that even moderate exercise for 30 minutes a day can increase sperm count and increase fertility.

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Avoid smoking and alcohol: Smoking and alcohol reduce the quality of sperm and increase the risk of infertility. Regular consumption of alcohol can lower testosterone levels, cause erectile dysfunction and reduce sperm production. Studies have shown that tobacco can reduce sperm density and reduce sperm motility.

Overweight: As per studies, overweight men are 11%more likely to have low sperm count. Losing weight and maintaining a healthy body mass index (BMI) can help increase fertility and increase sperm motility.

Avoid Stress: Stress is associated with erectile dysfunction, low libido and low sperm count. Look for ways to control stress levels when trying to conceive. Practice meditation and practice yoga and meditation.


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