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Karunakuran’s daughter Padmaja set to join BJP

Padmaja Venugopal, daughter of former Kerala Chief Minister K. Karunakaran and a prominent figure in the Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee, is poised to join the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). She is expected to formally join the BJP during an event where she will be granted party membership by BJP President J.P. Nadda. Padmaja’s decision to switch parties reportedly stems from her feeling sidelined within the Congress, especially after facing defeat in the recent assembly elections in Thrissur. Her husband, Venugopal, accused a section of the Congress of intentionally thwarting Padmaja’s political aspirations and criticized party leaders for neglecting her grievances, including the lack of support for initiatives honoring Karunakaran.

In response to Padmaja’s move, her brother and Vadakara MP, K. Muraleedharan, denounced her decision as a betrayal and expressed confidence that it would not benefit the BJP. Muraleedharan emphasized that their determination to confront the BJP would remain steadfast, and he vowed to challenge the saffron party in upcoming elections. He lamented the departure of a member of their family to the BJP, highlighting Karunakaran’s unwavering stance against communalism and expressing disappointment over Padmaja’s alignment with a party perceived as communal. Padmaja’s defection to the BJP follows a similar move by Anil Antony, son of veteran Congress leader A.K. Antony, further underscoring political shifts within Kerala’s political landscape.


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