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Survey predicts decline in domestic consumption of top spice brands

A recent survey conducted by LocalCircles indicates growing apprehensions among Indian consumers regarding the safety of popular spice brands like MDH and Everest. Following bans imposed by countries like Hong Kong, Singapore, and Nepal due to alleged carcinogenic ingredients, one in three households in India is considering refraining from purchasing these spices. The banned substances, including ethylene oxide, have been linked to increased risks of breast cancer and lymphoma.

The survey findings underscore a significant lack of confidence in the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) and state food departments among consumers. Despite ongoing investigations into the matter, six in 10 respondents expressed doubts about the effectiveness of regulatory actions in ensuring the safety of these spice brands. This skepticism has led many consumers to opt for alternatives, with 20% reporting that they have already disposed of banned spice packs and switched to other brands.

Although some consumers have chosen to continue using the banned spice brands, citing existing purchases, a considerable portion of respondents (42%) have abstained from consuming these products altogether. The survey also highlights international scrutiny, with investigations initiated by regulatory bodies like the USFDA and other countries further raising concerns about the safety and quality of these spices.


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