Simple tips to improve love life

Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, one of you can tend to forget about fulfilling the need or pleasure of the partner. If your sex life isn’t going the way you planned on it, then here are some tips that might come in handy for the next time you’re in bed with your partner…

Educate Yourself: Learning is one of the simple and effective way to improve sexual life. Learn new things about how to improve your mood, what is the best position for you by reading articles related to sex. Share what intrigues you with your partner. This will help you and your partner to know the science behind things.

Explore Yourself: Spending time to know yourself is the most effective way to improve the sex life. Find out some time to know more about and explore yourself by touching or masturbating, and help yourself get to know ‘you’ better. It will not only boost your mood, but the next time you’re having sex with your partner, it’ll boost your confidence as well. Write down your fantasies and let your partner know them from time to time and vice versa.

Also Read: Know the cause and treatment of Anorgasmia 

Use Lubricants: The body changes wit the age. Ageing also decreases the natural lubrication and this will not only take away the ease of sex, but also tend to make it painful. So, the only solution for this problem is lubricants. Lubricants come in a variety of flavours, you can choose one according to your mood. If in any case lubricants don’t work, visit a gynecologist for other options.

Meditation & Yoga: Practicing meditation and yoga will relax both body and mind. It will also increase the flexibility of the body. So, you can be a master of different sex positions. Meditation will boost your mind power because everything starts with your mind. According to various studies, practising yoga has led to better performance in bed.

Show Physical Affection: Try to spice it up by adding fun and adventure to your relationship. Always keep the adrenaline rush high. You can plan on watching a movie that arouses you and your partner. Try something new every once or twice a week with your partner. This will always boost your energy since everything becomes so unpredictable. Use extra time for foreplay — the better the foreplay, the better the sex!



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