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Van strikes cafe in Brussels, uncertain if attack or an accident

On Friday, a van slammed a cafe terrace in the heart of Brussels, leaving six people needing treatment for minor wounds and shock while the cause of the collision was being investigated.


After the incident, which happened just before 1 p.m. local time (1100 GMT), the driver fled in the car before being apprehended later that afternoon in Antwerp, according to Brussels prosecutors. Earlier, his van had been discovered abandoned in a nearby Brussels neighbourhood.


‘The circumstances naturally prompt you to consider attacks that have occurred in the past, but this is not the only scenario we are taking into consideration. Additionally, it might have simply been an accident,’ a representative for the Brussels prosecution added.


No one who was hurt needed to be sent to the hospital.


One witness informed Belgian media that the van drove onto Rue Saint-Michel, a bustling shopping area’s entrance, with its tyres squealing, then sped off.


Social media videos of the incident showed the white vehicle moving swiftly and erratically, but merely brushing the edge of the cafe terrace and not clearly aiming for people.


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