It is a known fact that several people put fake booze in used bottles or use replica packaging, adulterating, or diluting actual liquor. Illegal liquor is made using dangerous ingredients. Drinking these fake and illegal liquor can cause major health problems or even fatalities.
Follow these simple tips to be sure the alcohol you are drinking is real and not counterfeit:
Shop wisely: Always buy liquor from authorized retail shops. Do not trust unauthorized shops or unauthorized person who is selling liquor.
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Check packaging: Before buying your liquor, check the packaging closely. Often counterfeiters sell fake liquor in copycat packaging. Look for any damage in the packaging, discrepancies in the colours or size of the logo, smudged labels, spelling mistakes, tampered expiry dates, etc.
Check the seal: Make sure the seal of the bottle is secure and there are no signs of tampering. Feel around the neck of the bottle and see if it feels sticky, these are indications that the bottle has either fake or adulterated or diluted liquor.
Government Tax stamps: Most of the States in India excluding Goa and Maharashtra are using tax stamps as an anti-counterfeiting and anti-tampering measure. So check that the proper tax stamp is there on the bottle while purchasing and does not show any signs of tampering.
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