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PM Modi’s Makeup Artist is getting Rs. 15 Lakh a Month, See Real fact

The photo, however, is from 2016 when a team from the Madame Tussauds wax museum had visited Modi’s residence to collect measurements and other details

A Facebook post claiming that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is being attended to by a makeup artist who is paid 15 lakh rupees a month, has gone viral on the social networking site.

The post, which was shared by Facebook user Aditya Chaturvedi, has received over 15,000 shares and 700 reactions at the time of writing of this story.

The post has been shared by multiple Facebook users over the past few days. The photo, however, is from 2016 when a team from the Madame Tussauds wax museum had visited Modi’s residence to collect measurements and other details for a wax replica they were building in their museum.

The woman in the photo is not applying make-up on Modi’s face, as alleged in the caption, but is holding up an eyeball while a study of Modi’s facial features was being done for the statue.


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