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India becomes the first nation to be awarded 8 Blue Flag certification in a single day…

8 beaches across five states and two union territories in India have been awarded the ‘Blue Flag’ certification, by the environment ministry. The eight beaches that received the international ‘Blue Flag’ certification are Shivrajpur (Dwarka-Gujarat), Ghoghla (Diu), Kasarkod and Padubidri (Karnataka), Kappad (Kerala), Rushikonda (AP), Golden (Puri-Odisha) and Radhanagar (A&N Islands).

Prime Minister Narendra Modi described the Blue Flag certification as a “This showcases the importance India attaches to protecting such spots and furthering sustainable development. Truly a wonderful feat!”. It is a proud moment for India, the ‘Blue Flag’ certification is also a global recognition of India’s conservation and sustainable development efforts. “India is also the first country in “Asia-Pacific” region which has achieved this feat in just about 2 years’ time,” he said.

The Blue Flag certification is a globally recognized eco-label. Blue Flag certification is granted based on 33 criteria under four heads — (i) environmental education and information, (ii) bathing water quality, (iii) environment management and conservation, and (iv) safety and services at the beaches. India is the only country that has received the Blue Flag certification in 2 years’ time. Japan, South Korea and UAE are the other Asian nations that have procured a couple of Blue Flag beaches in a time frame of about 5 to 6 years.


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