The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) released its election manifesto for the Delhi Assembly polls, with party president JP Nadda launching the “Sankalp Patra” at the BJP headquarters. Nadda assured that all current public welfare schemes in Delhi would continue under a BJP-led government and pledged to strengthen and make them corruption-free. Highlighting the party’s track record, he said the BJP delivered on nearly all promises made in its past manifestos and emphasized the party’s focus on empowering women, youth, and marginalized groups.
Key promises in the manifesto include the Mahila Samridhi Yojana, which provides ?2,500 per month to women, a ?500 subsidy on cooking gas cylinders for underprivileged women, and six nutritional kits along with ?21,000 for pregnant women. The BJP also pledged to launch the Atal Canteen Yojana offering ?5 meals in slum areas, increase pensions for senior citizens aged 60-70 to ?2,500, and implement Ayushman Bharat Yojana in the first cabinet meeting with an added ?50,000 health cover. Additionally, free cylinders would be distributed during Holi and Diwali festivals.
The BJP announced candidates for 68 out of 70 constituencies, reserving two seats for its National Democratic Alliance (NDA) partners. The JD(U) will field Shailendra Kumar in Burari, while the LJP (Ram Vilas) will contest from Deoli, with its candidate yet to be declared. Nadda expressed confidence in the BJP’s governance model, citing achievements across states and the manifesto’s focus on public welfare and financial support for Delhi’s residents.
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