Manjeet Kaur Sandhu, a sub-inspector in the Punjab Police, married her same sex partner on a big fat wedding in Jalandhar, Punjab, Saturday. The couple solemnized their marriage as per Hindu rituals at a temple situated in the Pucca Bagh area of the city.
After the marriage, the couple held a reception in a city-based hotel that was attended by family members, neighbours and relatives.
44 yr old Manjit, who has been working for the last eighteen years, brought her ‘spouse’ home, donning a red turban and riding a chariot and was welcomed relatives and family members. The name of Manjit’s spouse who is 27yr old, has not been disclosed.
Video clippings and pictures of the wedding went viral on the social media within hours and received a mixed response.
In fact, India has its very own gay marriage bureau. Benhur Samson, an NRI, established India’s first avenue where gays can find their soulmates in 2016. The bureau helps them find the right match, both within and outside the country.
Samson started the arranged gay marriage service when he received numerous requests from gays regarding prospective life partners. Till 2013, he used to help gays with surrogacy.
According to figures submitted by the government to the Supreme Court in 2012, there are 25 lakh gay people in India. Perhaps, it is time the Supreme Court goes ahead and takes a progressive step and decriminalises homosexuality.
As per Supreme Court order, same-sex marriage is a criminal act. The marriage is being considered a symbolic act in support of LBGT community’s protest against apex court ruling of Section 377 of Indian Penal Code (IPC) that criminalises sexual activities “against the order of nature”, including homosexual sexual activities.
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