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Complaint filed against Pakistani politician for saying ‘all religions are equal’

A leader of Pakistan’s ruling party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has sought to file a case of blasphemy against Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader Khawaja Asif claiming that his recent remarks over religion had hurt the sentiments of Muslims, a Pakistani news portal said.

Asif had recently, in the National Assembly, said that all religions including Islam were equal and none was superior to the other.

Citing this speech, the complainant advocate Qamar Riaz filed a complaint against the Member of National Assembly (MNA) Asif, at Zafarwal police station in Narowal district of Punjab province.

“His words are against the teachings of the Holy Quran and Sunnah, and are tantamount to blasphemy against Islam,” he alleged in his complaint.

“This is a grave crime according to the Shariah, in which he (Asif) has declared Muslims and infidels (Qafirs) equal,” the complainant from Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan Niazi’s party added.


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