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Times one should not have sex

There are situations where you must not have sex.

During Pregnancy: As per experts, one should not have sex from the 6th week to the 12th week of pregnancy. It is because the chance of miscarriage is very high during this time.

After Delivery: It is better to avoid sexual relationship after delivery as woman undergo many emotional changes and their desire to sex ends. One can have sex after 3to 6 months after delivery as woman returns to the pre-pregnancy period and her sexual desire also returns.

Heart Attack: People with heart problem must avoid sex. The stimulation during sex increases pressure on heart and it will have adverse effect.

Also Read: This exercise may affect your sex life, says study     

Mental Health: People with depression, stress and other mental issues must be careful during sexual activities.

STDs: If your partner is suffering from Sexually Transmitted Disease (SD), then you must avoid sex.

Painful Sex: If you feel pain during sex then you must abstain from it. Because, painful sex can cause physical and mental problems, which can affect your sexual relationship badly.


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