SS Rajamouli’s Baahubali 2 has successfully completed 100 days in theatres. The movie, which was released on July 28 on a massive number of screens worldwide, has reached the feat today.
The film was released in over 8,000 screens in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi languages across the globe. A day before the release, it had premieres in many foreign countries. The massive hype ensured to give an earth shattering opening for the Prabhas and Rana Daggubati starrer.
Baahubali 2 grossed over Rs. 210 crore on the first day with a net income of Rs. 122 crore at the worldwide box office. In Andhra, Karnataka and in the US, the film came out with flying colours.
Prior to the release, a section of traders were little sceptical about its success as follow-up parts of a successful film have often failed to live up to the viewers’ expectations. Hence, the people were curiously looking forward to see whether the SS Rajamouli’s film would continue its success streak on the second and third day too.
Clearing all doubts, Baahubali 2 made solid business to end its first-weekend gross at Rs. 509 crore with a net income of Rs. 269.84 crore. The collections in all the versions continued to hold well and helped it to become the first Indian movie to reach Rs. 1,000-crore mark.
So far, Baahubali 2 has made over Rs. 1,700 crore. The industry is now looking forward to release the film in China, a market that contributed over Rs. 1,200 crore for Aamir Khan’s Dangal.
Baahubali 2 will set a new bench mark at the Indian box office if it is received well in China. The makers plan to release it next month hoping to breach Rs. 2,000-crore mark.
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