
Coveted JFK assassination files to be released by President Trump

The mysterious JFK assassination files would be released by President Trump soon. The president landed this news through twitter yesterday. The president tweeted to say he would allow the release “subject to receipt of further information”.

The files are scheduled to be opened by the US National Archives on 26 October, but the president is entitled to extend their classified status if he deems necessary.

Kennedy was shot dead by a sniper on 22 November 1963 in Dallas, Texas.

The National Archives has already released most documents related to the assassination but a final batch remains under lock and key.

Congress ruled in 1992 that all JFK documents should be released within 25 years, unless the president decided the release would harm national security.

The archive contains more than 3,000 previously unreleased documents, and more than 30,000 that have been released before but with redactions. It is unclear whether Mr Trump intends to allow the release in full or with redactions.

Kennedy assassination experts however are not too excited about the release as they do not believe that it contains any bombshells. But the files may shed more light on Lee Harvey Oswald’s activities in Mexico City just months before the assassination.

Oswald was arrested in Dallas on the day of the shooting and charged with the president’s murder. He denied the charges, claiming he was a “just a patsy”.

He was gunned down by nightclub owner Jack Ruby while in police custody two days later, and the plot to kill Kennedy became the most powerful conspiracy theory in American history.


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