Yoga: relax and be free

As the pregnancy progress, the pain in one’s body increases. Here is a yoga pose to try out.

For Tight Hips: Yoga Squat

M?l?sana or the Garland Pose






As your pregnancy progresses, your body produces the hormone relaxin, which may make you feel more flexible. You have to be careful that you don’t move beyond your flexibility range.

With that in mind, a yoga squat—even if it didn’t feel great when you weren’t pregnant, will likely feel awesome now, she says.

Sit with both legs extended in front of you. One at a time, bend knees and place feet close to your seat, slightly wider than hip-width. Put weight on feet and lift off the seat to come into a low, wide squat. Keep back straight and bring hands together between knees in prayer, pressing elbows into inner thighs. If this feels uncomfortable, use blocks (as shown above) for a supported squat.

READ ALSO: Best yoga pose for pregnancy pain relievers

Pose Information

Sanskrit Name


Pose Level: 1

Contraindications and Cautions

Low back or knee injuries

Preparatory Poses

Baddha Konasana

Upavistha Konasana


 Follow-up Poses


Adho Mukha Svanasana


Beginner’s Tip

If squatting is difficult, sit on the front edge of a chair seat, thighs forming a right angle to your torso, heels on the floor slightly ahead of your knees. Lean your torso forward between the thighs.


Stretches the ankles, groins and back torso

Tones the belly


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