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Pakistan will ‘teach India a lesson’,says Imaran Khan on Pakistan’s Independence Day

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on August 14 vowed to become the voice of Kashmir and raise the issue at every global forum, including the United Nations, as he questioned the silence of the international community on the tense situation in the region.

Addressing a special session of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir’s (PoK) Legislative Assembly in Muzaffarabad, Khan said that if a war breaks out between Pakistan and India, the world community will be responsible.

Khan, who was in Muzaffarabad to observe Pakistan’s Independence Day in solidarity with the Kashmiris after India revoked the special status of Jammu and Kashmir, termed the Indian move as a “strategic blunder.”

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has “committed a strategic blunder, he has played his last card. It will cost a lot to Modi and the BJP. Because they have internationalised the issue of Kashmir,” Khan said.

“The world’s eye is on Kashmir and on Pakistan…I will be the ambassador who raises Kashmir’s voice at every international forum,” he said.

Prime Minister Modi has defended the scrapping of Jammu and Kashmir’s special status as a historic step to usher in a “new era”. He said Article 370 has yielded nothing but separatism, corruption, family rule and was used by Pakistan as a tool to spread terror in the border state.

Modi promised all round development, early and transparent elections and an end to terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir.

“Whatever was done during the curfew by India, we will tell the international community that you are responsible. Whichever forum we get, I will be the ambassador and bring up Kashmir at every forum,” Khan said.

Prime Minister Khan said Pakistan had solid information that India was planning some actions in Kashmir and warned that his battle-hardened army was ready to give a befitting response to any aggression.

“Our information is that a plan more dangerous than post-Pulwama…has been prepared by India to take focus (away) from Kashmir situation. My message to Modi is that you take action and we will give a matching response,” he said.

“Every brick will be countered with a stone,” Khan said. “We will respond to whatever you do, we will go till the end…If you are thinking to teach us lesson, then listen carefully time has come that we will teach you a lesson,” he added.

“Our message to international organisations that were formed to prevent wars is that if this war takes place, you will be responsible,” Khan said.

It is not the first time that Khan has spoken about the possibility of war with India.


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