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London Mayor praises public’s huge heroism for tackling stabbing suspect in fake bomb vest

London mayor Sadiq Khan praised the “breathtaking heroism” of members of the public for tackling the suspected attacker despite his hoax suicide vest in a terrorist incident on London Bridge.

Khan also paid tribute to the bravery of emergency services in dealing with the attack on Friday afternoon, which saw several people stabbed. Reports of two people suffering from stab wounds succumbing to their injuries are emerging.

The Al-Qaeda inspired youth Usman Khan was tackled to the ground by the bystanders on London Bridge. Several men were seen subduing the attacker by wrestling him to the ground in videos shared online. British Transport Police confirmed on Saturday that one of the bystanders, who had disarmed Khan of one of two knives which were strapped onto his hand, was a plainclothes officer.

Armed police shot the convicted terrorist, Usman Khan dead after the bystanders had moved away.


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