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Coronavirus: Brazilian official who met Donald Trump tests positive for COVID-19

Fabio Wajngarten, the press secretary for Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, tested positive for coronavirus on Thursday. Bolsonaro’s health is being monitored.

It comes just days after Wajngarten met US President Donald Trump in Florida.Trump was in close physical proximity with the Wajngarten Saturday night.

The Brazilian press secretary attended the dinner Trump hosted at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, took a photo with the US President and later stood feet away from Trump as he spoke during Kimberly Guilfoyle’s birthday, the sources said.

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham issued a statement Thursday saying: “Both the President and Vice President had almost no interactions with the individual who tested positive and do not require being tested at this time.”

She added: “The White House Medical Unit and the United States Secret Service has been working closely with various agencies to ensure every precaution is taken to keep the First & Second Families, and all White House staff healthy.”

Bolsonaro’s aide also posted an image of himself standing with Trump and US Vice President Mike Pence at Mar-a-Lago over the weekend.


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