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“Bye Don, It’s Biden finally”: memes against Trump going viral….

WASHINGTON: The US Presidential election outcomes concluded Joe Biden defeating US President Donald Trump. In his victory speech, Biden emphasised on a message of unity and mentioned that it was the time to “heal and restore the soul of America.”

“I pledge to be a president who seeks not to divide but to unify. For all those of you who voted for President Trump, I understand the disappointment tonight. Now let’s give each other a chance. It’s time to put away the harsh rhetoric, lower the temperature, see each other again, listen to each other again. Let this grim era of demonization in America begin to end — here and now,” he said.

The much-awaited election outcomes triggered a rain of reactions on social media with folks utilizing hashtag #ByeByeTrump to bid farewell to Trump, who refused to concede, saying the “election is far from over”.
Democratic nominee Joe Biden secured the 270 electoral school votes required to win the race towards President Trump within the 2020 presidential election.


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