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Tesla sues Indian battery maker ‘Tesla Power’ for trademark infringement

Tesla, the car manufacturing company led by Elon Musk, has initiated legal proceedings against an Indian battery manufacturer for allegedly violating its trademark. The lawsuit, filed in a New Delhi court, seeks compensation and a permanent injunction against the company for using the name “Tesla Power” to market its products. Court documents reveal that despite receiving a cease-and-desist notice in April 2022, the Indian company, Tesla Power India Pvt Ltd, continued to promote its products under the contested brand.

During the court session, Tesla argued that the Indian firm persisted in advertising its products with names resembling “Tesla Power,” despite being instructed to cease. In response, the Indian company stated that its primary focus was on producing lead-acid batteries and had no intentions of entering the electric vehicle market. The judge granted the Indian company three weeks to provide written responses after presenting supporting documents for its defense.

Tesla, headquartered in Delaware, accused the Indian company of using trade names such as “Tesla Power” and “Tesla Power USA,” citing court records that included website screenshots indicating the presence of Tesla Power USA LLC, also based in Delaware, with purported operations in India. Tesla informed the judge that it became aware of the Indian company’s use of its brand name in 2022 and had unsuccessfully attempted to halt the infringement before resorting to legal action.


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