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Easy summer workout tips for managing Polycystic ovary syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome, also called PCOS is  a medical condition. In women of reproductive age, it is one of the most common endocrine complications that leads to hormonal imbalance. PCOS is characterized by irregular menstrual cycles, excess androgens and ovarian cysts.  PCOS can lead to a range of symptoms including weight gain, menstrual irregularities, acne, patches of thickened dark skin, hair growth and fertility issues.

Summer workout tips tailored for women with PCOS:

1. Prioritise regular exercise

Regular exercise helps improve insulin sensitivity, regulate hormones, and manage weight. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling.

2. Incorporate strength training

Strength training helps build lean muscle mass, which can improve metabolism and insulin sensitivity. Include exercises such as squats, lunges, and weightlifting in your workout routine at least two days per week.

3. Choose low-impact activities

Low-impact exercises like yoga, Pilates, and swimming are gentle on the joints and can be beneficial for women with PCOS, especially if they have joint pain or mobility issues. These activities also help reduce stress and improve flexibility.

4. Interval training

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) can be particularly effective for women with PCOS as it helps improve insulin sensitivity and burn calories more efficiently. Incorporate short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief recovery periods into your workouts.

5. Stay hydrated

Proper hydration is essential for overall health and can help alleviate some PCOS symptoms such as fatigue and bloating. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercise, especially in hot weather.

Also Read; Simple tips to make digestion better 

6. Mindful movement

Practices like tai chi and qigong focus on gentle, flowing movements and deep breathing, promoting relaxation and reducing stress. Stress management is important for women with PCOS as stress can exacerbate symptoms.

7. Outdoor activities

Take advantage of the summer weather by engaging in outdoor activities like hiking, biking, or playing sports. Vitamin D from sunlight exposure can help regulate hormones and improve mood.

8. Listen to your body

Pay attention to how your body responds to exercise and adjust your intensity and duration accordingly. Overexertion can increase stress levels and worsen PCOS symptoms, so prioritise rest and recovery when needed.

9. Consistency is key

Consistent exercise habits yield the best results in managing PCOS symptoms. Aim to make exercise a regular part of your routine by scheduling workouts at the same time each day or week.

10. Seek professional guidance

Consider working with a certified personal trainer or exercise physiologist who has experience working with individuals with PCOS. They can help design a personalised workout plan tailored to your specific needs and goals.


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