The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) successfully completed the docking of two satellites under the SpaDeX (Space Docking Exercise) mission on Thursday, marking India as the fourth country to achieve this milestone. After initial setbacks during attempts on January 7 and 9 due to technical challenges, ISRO successfully brought the satellites to within 3 meters of each other before completing the docking process. The satellites, launched on December 30 by PSLV, are part of a technology demonstrator to showcase India’s capabilities in spacecraft docking.
The SpaDeX mission highlights ISRO’s focus on developing critical technologies for future space exploration. The docking process involved precision maneuvers, with the Chaser satellite gradually approaching the Target satellite from an initial separation of 20 kilometers down to 3 meters. This technology is expected to play a crucial role in India’s upcoming Chandrayaan-4 mission, designed to bring lunar samples back to Earth, and in the establishment of the Bharatiya Antariksh Station, scheduled to begin operations with its first module launch in 2028.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated the ISRO team on social media, lauding the achievement. The successful demonstration is a significant step for India’s ambitious space programs, including human missions to the Moon planned for 2040. The docking capabilities demonstrated in SpaDeX are essential for assembling modular space stations and enabling complex space missions, further solidifying India’s position as a leader in space technology.
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