The Neyyattinkara Additional Sessions Court has postponed the final verdict in the Sharon Raj murder case to January 20. Greeshma, the primary accused, was previously found guilty of murdering Sharon, a 23-year-old from Thiruvananthapuram, by poisoning him. In court, she submitted a written plea for leniency, citing her young age, educational qualifications, and aspirations to continue her studies. However, the prosecution argued that the crime was premeditated and demanded the death penalty, describing her actions as cruel and calculated. Greeshma’s uncle was also found guilty of destroying evidence, while her mother was acquitted for lack of proof.
The prosecution detailed how Greeshma allegedly lured Sharon to her house on October 14, 2022, under the guise of affection and gave him a poisoned Ayurvedic tonic, leading to his death on October 25 due to multiple organ failure. The crime was reportedly orchestrated after Greeshma’s family arranged her marriage to another man, and evidence showed she and her relatives attempted to cover up the act by hiding the poison bottle. Doctors confirmed the excruciating pain Sharon endured during the 11 days before his death, further supporting the claim of a deliberate and heinous act.
The murder sparked widespread public outrage, prompting an intensive investigation by the Crime Branch. Greeshma was arrested on October 31, 2022, along with her mother and uncle, but she was later granted bail in September 2023 under strict conditions. The case has drawn significant attention due to its intricate details, including the romantic relationship between Greeshma and Sharon, her alleged betrayal, and the prosecution’s emphasis on the calculated nature of the crime.
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