Mumbai: Indian equity benchmark indices, BSE Sensex and NSE Nifty, are experiencing volatility on Friday amid selling pressure at higher levels. The BSE Sensex was quoting at 76,543.85, up 23.47 points or 0.03 per cent. The NSE Nifty50, on the other hand, was at 23,200.15, down 5.20 points or 0.02 per cent. The indices hit intraday highs of 76,985.95 and 23,347.30, respectively.
Stocks advanced on BSE, were 1,375 against 2,317 stocks that declined, and 156 remained unchanged. Total stocks traded were 3,848. The number of stocks that recorded a 52-week high was 65, and those that hit a 52-week low was 92. A total of 149 stocks traded in the upper circuit, and 241 in the lower circuit.
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M&M, Zomato, Tata Motors, IndusInd Bank, Reliance Industries, Bajaj Finserv, Sun Pharma, and L&T were weighing on the Sensex today.
In the broader markets, the trend turned negative yet again. The Nifty SmallCap index was down 1.7 per cent, and the Nifty MidCap 1 per cent. Sectorally, Nifty Pharma was the top loser, down over 1.5 per cent.
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