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ISIS in Kerala : IS new audio clip exhorts for ‘lone wolf’ attacks during Kumbh Mela and Thrissur pooram

IS new audio clip exhorts for ‘lone wolf’ attacks during Kumbh Mela and Thrissur Pooram….

An audio clip from the leader of an ISIS module has called for ‘lone wolf’ attacks in Kerala, exhorting the members of the terror outfit to target Kumbh Mela and Thrissur Pooram. The audio message in Malayalam is said to be from Rashid Abdullah, the leader of the Kaasargod IS module, and was sent through ‘Telegram’ app.

Rashid exhorts the Muslims in Kerala to do hijrat (migration) to the Islamic State. “If you cannot do the hijrat, then you should help the Jihad using your wealth,” he can be heard saying in the audio.

“If that too is not materialized, go for attack against the idolators and disbelievers. Poison their water sources, ram a vehicle into their gatherings like Thrissur pooram and Kumbha Mela. You are educated people. Think of some ways,” he said.

Rashid asks the IS supporters to procure weapons like automatic rifles or pistols. “And if you can’t get them, use knife to attack the kuffars (disbelievers)”, he said.

Quoting a verse from Surat al-Bakhara, Rahid said Allah has enjoined us to fight till the whole world becomes under Islam.

Lashing out at the Muslim organisations in Kerala, he said they are all engaged in Dawa (peaceful propagation of Islam). He said Dawa is a futile exercise as only a few will be converted to Islam through propagation.

The ten-minute-long audio is the 50th clip sent in the Telegram group ‘Light for Kerala’. Earlier audios were on different topics related to Islamic State like jihad, hijrat, women under in IS, celebration of Eid under Islamic State. Light for Kerala has been suspended since Monday.

Abdul Rashid is one among the 21 youths from Kerala who joined the Islamic State in May-June 2016. He was an employee of the Peace International School run by the Salafi preacher M M Akbar.


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