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How to get rid of Dark Elbows ? Here are Five Tips

So you pumped up your muscles and you wanna wear a t shirt so that people can take a peek at what you got, or you are a girl and you wanna ear that pretty sleeveless. but neither of you can because you are afraid that will expose your dark elbows. Sounds familiar ? If it does, this article is for you. Here are five ways in which you can get rid of them.

see also: Five Tips to get Pink Lips.

Use lemon juice

Let’s start with the easiest one, lemon. Lemon is an abundant source of citric acid which is a skin whitening agent. So all you need to do is to cut the lemon in to half , get the juice out and rub it in your dark portion. Do not wash it away immediately and keep it there for 2 to 3 hours and let it act deep. Do this consistently for a month and you will see results.

Oatmeal and Yogurt

oatmeal and yogurt
Both of them have soothing qualities that provides your skin with extra moisture. They both combine well to work like a mask. So mix equal quantities of both and leave it on your elbow for twenty minutes daily.

Exfoliate your elbows

exfoliate elbow
The darkness in elbows are often cause by th accumulation of dead cells. So it is important that you exfoliate that part twice a week. You can use a scrub or a body wash with some extra intensity and rub the portion in circular motion

Turmeric powder

Turmeric is another natural bleaching agent. So what you can do is to get some yogurt and mix this with turmeric and make it a paste. Apply it on your elbows and after half an hour, rinse it off.

Baking soda

baking soda
Baking soda has both exfoliating and skin lightening properties. So you can add this to water and mix it until you have enough product. Apply it on your elbows.

If the results don’t arrive in a couple of months time , its better to see a health expert.


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