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Doing these 7 yoga asanas will prevent indigestion in winter

Practicing yoga has several health benefits. Yoga helps to fight stress and also maintain fitness. During winter season people faces several ailments and diseases. Indigestion is one of the major problem most people faces during winter season.

Indigestion in winter is caused due  to a lack of physical exercise and a poor diet. Indigestion may cause bowel issues, heartburn, bloating, and other digestion-related issues. By changing diet and also by doing workouts and exercises that may help in improving digestion will help in preventing this issue. Yoga is one such regime that may pose helpful.

Here are yoga poses that can help improve your digestion in winter:

1. Paschimottasana

Sit straight in your legs straight in front of you

In this position, your feet’s soles should be facing front

Slowly bring your torso closer to your legs and as far as possible

You can use your hands to hold your feet, this may increase how far you can reach

In this position, your stomach and chest are supposed to be touching your thighs

Your face can be facing the front or towards the legs, whichever may be comfortable

Hold this position for 10-20 seconds and sit back up

You can repeat it a few times based on your convenience

2. Balasana

Sit straight with your legs folded

At this point, your feet are supposed to be facing upwards

Now, slowly bend your torso forward on the floor

At this point, your arms should be extending forward as well, as far as possible

Your face should also be facing the floor as well as your palms

Your calves, forehead, and palms should all be touching the ground in this position

As it only stretches your body and is a resting pose, it provides comfort and relaxation

Hold this position for 10-15 seconds and perform 4-5 sets daily.

3. Uttanasana

Stand straight

Now, slowly bend forward

The goal is to place your palms on the floor (folding your body in half)

Repeat this a few times in small intervals

Also Read: This is diet is effective in preventing infertility, new study 

4. Parsva Sukhasana

Cross your legs and sit on the floor

Rest your hands at your sides touching the ground

Lean softly to your right side while raising your left arm straight in the air

Maintain your right forearm on the ground with the palm pointing outward

Inhale and exhale slowly four or five times

Repeat after switching sides

5. Dhanurasana

Lie on your stomach with your hands at your sides and your legs straight

Bring your feet as near to your buttocks as you can while bending your knees back

Gently grip your ankles with your rear arm

Make sure your hips and knees are in the same space

Lift your thighs just a little bit off the ground as you draw your feet closer to your torso

Lift both your head and chest at the same moment

Maintain a flat pelvis on the ground

Maintain for 4–5 breaths

Maintain a mild stretch that is comfortable for you if breathing is difficult

Some folks might decide to omit this action

6. Marjaryasana-Bitilasana

Get on your knees and hands (How you would imitate a four-legged animal)

Lift your back upwards, forming a mountain-like structure

While you do that, make sure you push your face inwards, looking at your own torso

Now, push your back inwards, forming a ‘U’ position with your back

While you do that, look toward the ceiling

Repeat mountain motion with face inwards and then ‘U’ structure with face upwards for a minute

7. Bhujangasana

Lie on the floor, face facing the ground

Now, place your palms on your sides and slowly lift your torso

At this point, the only body parts touching the ground should be your palms and lower body

Hold this position for 30 seconds and release

Repeat 3-4 times daily


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