Health & Fitness

New hope for reversing Type 2 diabetes !

As per the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 1/3 of Americans will have diabetes. They will see a decrease in their lifespan of upto 15 years, while experiencing a reduced quality of life.

There are medical doctors, scientists, and nutritionists who believe that type 2 diabetes can be reversed. Based on a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, this type of diabetes can be reversed using lifestyle changes, insulin, and oral medications.

Signs you have Type 2 diabetes:

Some people may have already been diagnosed with diabetes, but there are others who don’t know they have it. In fact, 25% of the population is considered pre-diabetic. When it develops into diabetes, it can have some side effects to our health, including:

  • High blood pressure
  • Neuropathy
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Blindness

Having diabetes can also lead to amputation for some patients. Because of these complications, many diabetics are hoping for a cure or at least a way to reverse the disease. The good news is that there are some researchers from McMaster University and Hamilton Health Sciences in Canada who believe that type 2 diabetes can be reversed. While there is no evidence that it can be treated, the disease may be in remission for at least a short period.

How to reverse Diabetes according to Scientists:

As per this recent study, two to four months of intensive treatment can help diabetics by up to 40% to stay in remission for upto three months. In this research, 83 individuals were divided into three groups where two groups had personalized exercise and meal plans where their daily calorie intake is just 500 to 750 calories. One group went through the process for eight weeks, while the other group was treated for 16 weeks. Both groups stopped the diabetes medications after the intervention and they continued with their lifestyle changes.

The third group received standard advice on how to manage blood sugar and regular lifestyle guidance. The participants had their blood sugar and glucose tolerance tested. After the completion of the intervention, there were 11 patients who had partial or complete remission who were from the 16 week intervention. The control group only had four out of the 28 participants.

The research can help motivate diabetics to make lifestyle changes and take their medications to regulate glucose levels. From exercising to eating right and removing unhealthy foods in your diet to taking the right medication at the right time, this can mean type 2 diabetes can definitely be reversed.



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