Health & FitnessLife Style

Amla Juice For Weight Loss

Here is why you can use Amla juice for weight loss:

Rich In Fibres: Amla juice is loaded with fibres. Fibre takes longer to digest. The fibre-rich beverage thus makes you feel full for longer. When you are feeling full, naturally you would be able to curb your urge to binge better, which will further promote weight loss.

Boosts Digestion: Dr Ashutosh Gautam, Clinical Operations and Coordination Manager at Baidyanath shares that the alkaline nature of amla helps in clearing the system and strengthening the digestive system. Amla juice is rich in fibre, which makes it great for boosting digestion. A healthy gut and digestion system is great for an effective weight loss.

Regulates Blood Sugar: Diabetics should steer clear of sweet juices. They metabolise too soon and cause spike in the blood sugar levels. Amla contains the element chromium, which effectively regulates blood glucose levels. Consuming amla juice may hence, keep your blood sugar levels regulated, thus preventing diabetes and diabetes-induced weight gain.

Accelerate Metabolism: Amla is known to trigger your metabolism. Metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. So faster the metabolism, the faster you use up all your calories.

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