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Experts say that mild symptoms should not be mistaken for the common’ flu’


Numerous members of the Gujarat government  Covid-19 task force,  opt for low or no hospitalisation for  mild symptoms which they assume as normal ’ flu’.

Citizens must follow Covid-19 guidelines, which includes wearing masks, maintaining social distance, and sanitization, as well as ensuring vaccination. The specialists also emphasized the virus’s risk to youngsters, particularly those under the age of 15, who are not yet eligible for immunization, and recommended them to be cautious.

At a press conference in Ahmadabad on Wednesday, five members of the taskforce spoke: infectious disease specialist Dr Atul Patel, Zydus hospital director and diabetologist Dr VN Shah, Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar director and public health specialist Dr Dileep Mavlankar, pulmonologist Dr Tushar Patel, and neurophysician Dr Sudhir Shah.

The specialists also stated that in order to avoid a repeat of the second wave, the focus should be on halting virus propagation.

Nasal block, cold, fever, throat discomfort, and body ache are among the most common symptoms seen during the third wave, according to Dr. Tushar Patel.

Dr. Atul Patel warned that if the number of instances increase rapidly, reaching to lakhs, even one or two percentage of hospitalization  will be a significant figure. He went on to say that the Omicron variant infects those who have already been infected, as well as those who have been doubly vaccinated or have both, and that the ‘entire Gujarat population is susceptible to the variant.’

For Omicron variants, there are two risk categories: low risk and high risk. Patients with low risk are those who are younger in age and have no comorbidities… The elderly, those with comorbidities, and those who are immunocompromised due to organ transplants or any other illness are all at high risk. Such patients are vulnerable to infection progression, lung damage, and ICU hospitalizations… Antiviral medication, such as Remdesivir, may be required for them, according to Dr. Atul.

Dr. Sudhir Shah told this publication that, unlike the second wave, no neurological signs have been observed in the patients so far. ‘No neurological indications have been observed thus far, with the exception of headache, dizziness, and myalgia (muscle pain),’he stated.


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