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Know the health benefits of having regular sex

Sex is one of the most important aspects of life. Healthy sex life helps to strengthen the emotional bond between the partners. It also improves physical and psychological health.  Sex is not just physical intimacy but it also has some emotional aspects.

Several studies have proved that sex can do everything from strengthen bonds between partners to preventing prostate cancer.

Also Read: Know all about married sex 

Here are some benefits of sex:  

A recent study found that men who had sex more than twice a week had a lower risk of heart attack than men who had sex at least once a month. Several studies also found that having sex not only improves mood but also reduces stress.

During sex, the level of the hormone oxytocin increases five fold. These endorphins actually reduce pain. Sex helps people sleep better.  A hormone released during orgasm  will give good sleep.

Sex can help prevent diseases like prostate cancer in men. Men who ejaculate more than 20 times a month have a lower risk of prostate cancer than others. Studies show that any type of ejaculation, including intercourse, masturbation, and sleep ejaculation, is beneficial.

Sex helps regulate the levels of hormones like estrogen and testosterone. When these hormones are imbalanced, conditions like heart disease and osteoporosis occur. Having sex can improve heart health.


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