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Which extinct animal would you like to see? Researchers trying to bring back an apex predator

Scientists in Australia are attempting to bring back to life an apex predator that has been extinct for a century. Genetic engineering innovations, according to US-based Colossal, which calls itself the de-extinction firm, could help bring the Tasmanian tiger back.

35 scientists are involved in the project to revive thylacine, the marsupial that disappeared in 1936 and appears like a cross between a wild dog with a tiger but was known for its fierce hunting capabilities. The animal once dominated the predatory food chain in the Australian and Tasmanian bushlands, with its extinction creating an ecological gap in the system.

The scientific team’s members have backgrounds in a variety of disciplines, including genome engineering, stem cell biology, cell engineering, and computational biology. Working with the University of Melbourne, the US-based corporation is almost finished with its dedicated laboratory to restore the extinct species.

While the development is still a ways off, Colossal is also aiming to revive the woolly mammoth and bring back the Arctic Tundra’s keystone species.


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