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Archaeologists unearthed a six-inch ‘stone penis’ in the Ría de Vigo estuary of northwestern Spain

On May 19, during an excavation at an archaeological site in the Ría de Vigo estuary in northwestern Spain, archaeologists made an intriguing discovery: a six-inch stone object resembling a penis, which appears to be some kind of tool.

The find was made by archaeologists affiliated with Arbore Arqueoloxía, an archaeology cooperative, at the Torre de Meira (Tower of Meira) site. The tower was part of a medieval fortress located in the municipality of Moaña, situated on a hill with a view of the Ría de Vigo. During the late 15th century, revolts against Spanish nobility erupted in the region, leading to the destruction of many castles, including the Tower of Meira, which was demolished in 1476.

Over 500 years later, archaeologists are now working to uncover the ruins of the tower. Among their findings, the stone penis stood out as a remarkable discovery. While interpretations may differ, researchers believe that the object likely served as a tool for sharpening weapons.

Darío Peña-Pascual, an archaeologist with Arbore Arqueoloxía, commented on the significance of the object, stating that it represents the symbolic connection between violence, weapons, and masculinity, a connection known to exist in the Middle Ages and still prevalent in today’s culture.

Peña-Pascual explained that sharpening stones of this kind are easily identifiable due to the marks and traces left from the materials they sharpened. In this case, the stone penis exhibits wear on one side that is compatible with its use as a sharpening tool.

While such tools are relatively common in prehistoric, Roman, or Celtic sites, their presence in medieval Europe is less frequent, which adds to the surprise for the archaeologists. They have pondered the exact significance and purpose of these objects.

This recent discovery once again highlights the symbolic association between violence, weaponry, and masculinity, not only in medieval times but also in contemporary culture.

In a related story from February, experts discovered that a previously misidentified ancient object found at a Roman fort on Hadrian’s Wall in northern England may have actually been a second-century sex toy. Initially believed to be a textile tool used for sewing, new theories have emerged suggesting its alternative purpose. The object was unearthed in 1992 and was located in a ditch at the Roman Fort of Vindolanda, an important site along the Roman Empire’s northwest frontier.


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