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Angry crowd set fire in School after student’s body found

In a shocking incident, an enraged mob set fire to a school in Patna on Friday, May 17, after a student’s body was allegedly discovered on the premises. Patna SP Chandra Prakash stated that CCTV footage showed the child entering the school but not leaving. He confirmed that the case is being treated as a murder investigation due to the concealment of the body, which suggests criminal intent. Three individuals have been detained as the inquiry continues.

Authorities are actively gathering more information about the case. This incident draws parallels to a tragic event in February when a 24-year-old student died and another was injured in a bomb blast at the All Manipur Students’ Union (AMSU) office in Imphal. The explosion occurred around 9:30 PM, followed by arson at the United Committee Manipur office and a school in Imphal West district later that night.

Police reported that one of the victims, Oinam Kenegy, succumbed to his injuries at a private hospital, while the other, Salam Michael, is undergoing treatment. The AMSU office is situated within the Dhanamanjuri University campus in Imphal. Additionally, unidentified individuals set fire to Macha Leima School at the Palace compound in Imphal, further contributing to the series of violent incidents.


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