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Cholera outbreak: Karnataka to conduct Statewide drinking water testing

Karnataka’s Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar has declared plans for comprehensive testing of drinking water sources throughout the state, including Bengaluru, in response to recent cases of cholera outbreak. This initiative follows reports of drinking water contamination in various regions, leading to one fatality and several illnesses. Shivakumar emphasized the urgency of addressing this issue to prevent the spread of water-borne diseases, instructing officials to conduct widespread testing and ensure the availability of safe drinking water. He also highlighted the government’s commitment to repairing malfunctioning water facilities.

Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has joined efforts to oversee monsoon preparations, urging district administrations to take preemptive actions against potential rain-related challenges. Shivakumar noted the CM’s directive to expedite infrastructure projects in Bengaluru and the forthcoming establishment of a task force to monitor progress in the city.

Shivakumar also addressed legal hurdles hindering the demolition of encroachments on stormwater drains and lakes, affirming the government’s commitment to resolving these issues within legal frameworks. With forecasts predicting above-average monsoon rainfall, these proactive measures aim to safeguard public health and mitigate risks associated with the rainy season.


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