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Voting machine hackathon: Election Commission invited Kejriwal

Suggestions to conduct a hackathon of voting machines will be discussed on Friday morning between political parties by the Election Commission at a meeting in Delhi. Arvind Kejriwal’s Aam Aadmi Party has been invited, which has been lobbying ringingly against the electronic voting machines or EVMs that are presently used.  Mr.Kejriwal said that the machines were manipulated and thus lost the election in Punjab and that the Commission was a part of the conspiracy with the BJP

The Commission’s meeting on Friday with representatives of seven national parties and 48 regional, comes after AAP party provided some major political theatre yesterday by using the Delhi Assembly to demonstrate that voting machines are not hard to tackle.  The Commission replied that the machine used for the show was the lesser version of the real deal.  It is illegal for anyone outside the Commission to access a voting machine.

AAP said the gadget used was built by IIT graduates and there was “not even 1 percent difference” between the prototype and actual voting machines. Mr Kejriwal also proclaimed that it would not take “more than 90 seconds” to crack the code of a voting machine.


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