We have an important question today. Is it okay to call someone an immigrant when they live in your country? Wouldn’t it be possible for you to work in any other state in India? Can a citizen of India be murdered for leaving his home state for employment in another state by saying that he is not a native of that state? What will you say if these killings are happening in the name of religion?
In Kashmir, this is what is happening at the moment. The people who went there to work are examined, their names are asked and if they are not Muslim, they are killed. There are clear traces of Pakistan’s ISI and Afghanistan’s Taliban in this terrorist plot. The tool kit used by the ISI consists of methods terrorists can use in Kashmir to create a situation where there is no non-Muslim left and Indians start getting frightened even at the thought of going there.
Hindus are migrating from Kashmir’s districts like Kulgam, Pulwama and Budgam due to fear of terrorist attacks, but certain sections of the country call these people ‘non-natives,’ or citizens of other Indian states. A terrorist group wants no citizen of any Indian state to consider Kashmir as a part of their country. The Indian Constitution guarantees equal rights to all citizens of the country. Religion, caste, and state are not factors that are considered. This discrimination is happening in Kashmir to people who have moved from other Indian states. Imagine the headlines of some new channels in our country when a Kashmiri person is killed or attacked in any state. The attacks are called Kashmiri attacks.
As an example, it is written that a Kashmiri man was attacked in Lucknow. In Kashmir, however, when terrorists target a person from another state, they use terms like ‘non-native’. Can 100 crore Hindus from India be considered immigrants in Kashmir? How does their status change there? S11 people have been killed in Kashmir in this month alone, and most of them are those who have come to Kashmir from other states to find work. During all the attacks so far, the terrorists checked the ID card of the victim before killing him. Thus, the pattern of killing is the same.
On October 16, terrorists killed Arvind Kumar Shah in Srinagar. The 30-year-old man hailed from the Banka district of Bihar. He set up a handcart in Srinagar a few years ago, but was killed by terrorists because he came to Kashmir from another state and worked here. Similarly, Raja Dev worked as a labourer in Kashmir for many years and he was a migrant worker from Bihar. Sadly, he was murdered at the same shop by terrorists. Similarly, a Bihar resident Joginder Dev too was killed.
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In Kashmir, Hindus are being targeted by terrorists, yet certain sections of our country remain silent on the issue. What would have happened if the workers of Bihar had been killed in Gujarat instead of Kashmir today? Many groups protecting human rights would have reached there in such a situation and referred to it as an attack on democracy. So far, this has not happened in Kashmir.
Opposition leaders and international organizations are silent on this issue. Among the big questions today is how the killings which happen in Kashmir differ from the murders in Lakhimpur, Uttar Pradesh? Our country’s leaders and media are silent on the killings in Kashmir. Today, you should also listen to the pain of Hindus migrating from Kashmir, who say they have adopted Kashmir but some people in our country would never adopt them there.
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