The nine planets in motion, is known as Navgrahas. As per Vedic Astrology, these planets regulate the situations in life. The position and power of these planets in an astrology chart has a variety of effects on humans, both positive and harmful. Navagraha is a Sanskrit term that signifies “Nav” meaning “nine” and “Graha” meaning “to take or hold.” Each of these nine planets is controlled by a Hindu god and represents a different aspect of a person’s existence.
Since these mantras are sacred, they must be chanted with a pure body and mind. Take a shower and dress in colours that reflect the planet before beginning the chant. You’ll also need a mat that matches the planet’s hue.
1. Sun or Surya mantra
The Sun, or Surya, is known as the Illumination of Knowledge. In addition, he is the destroyer of misinformation.
The Surya mantra is:
Aum Hran Hreen Hron Seh Suryay Namah
Meaning- I praise the Great Sun God for his divine blessings.
You may relax your mind and sense the presence of God inside you by saying this mantra.
You may get the energy you need to resist the negative thoughts and feelings that are trying to take up residence in your mind and body.
It bestows wisdom and knowledge. In all of your activities, you achieve fame and success.
Best time to recite the Surya mantra Sunrise, 41 days starting from Sunday
Number of times to chant this mantra 7000 times in 41 days
2. Moon or Chandra mantra
Chandra or Soma is the name given to the Moon, which is also known as the Illumination of Dedication. Chandra is thought to nourish life with its calming cool beams
The Chandra mantra is:
Aum Shran Shrin Shron Seh Chandraye Namah
Meaning- Born while churning the milk ocean.
Chanting the Chandra mantra might assist to remove the mind’s misunderstandings and increase mental capacity.
Lord Chandra can assist you improve your appearance, intellect, vision, cognition, and cerebral abilities.
The recitation of these mantras sharpens the qualities of the human mind.
Best time to recite the Chandra mantra Evening, after sunset
Number of times to chant this mantra 11000 times in 41 days, 108 times daily
3. Mars or Mangal mantra
Mangal, also known as Mars, is the bringer of good fortune. Dedication and perseverance are two of its traits.
The Mangal mantra is:
Om Kran Krin Kron Seh Bhaumaaye Namah
Meaning- I bow down to Mars, the auspicious one
Benefits of chanting the Mangala mantra
Mangal Dosh in the star sign can be erased or minimised.
Happiness is obtained, and impediments are removed.
It frees you from unemployment, stress, and skin conditions.
Best time to recite the Mangala mantra Daily Morning specially Tuesdays
Number of times to chant this mantra 10000 times in 41 days
Who can recite Mangala mantra? Anyone
Chant this mantra facing Facing lord Hanuman’s idol or picture
4. Mercury or Budh mantra
Budh, or Rahu, is the closest and quickest planet to the Sun, which explains his position as a messenger.
The Budh mantra is:
Aum Bran Brin Bron Seh Budhaye Namah
Meaning- Om, I bow down to Mercury, who is the master of intellect.
It blesses you with a perception of tranquilly and quiet.
It mitigates the negative consequences of planetary mobility variations.
This mantra in Vedic astrology bestows understanding, learning, and illumination.
Best time to recite the Budha mantra Anytime or Early morning
Number of times to chant this mantra 9000 times in 40 days
Chant this mantra facing Facing lord Ganesha’s picture or idol
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5. Jupiter or Brihaspati Mantra
Jupiter, also known as Brihaspati, is the “God of Gods.” It is also known as the “Spirit of the Vast” because of its enormous size. Spirituality, education, ethical code, and harmony among mortals and immortals are all things he promotes.
The Brihaspati mantra is:
Om Brim Brihaspatiye Namah:
Meaning- I salute to Lord Jupiter, the preceptor of the gods.
It counteracts Jupiter’s negative impacts.
It confers strength, influence, and status.
The Jupiter mantra is ideal for work and trade.
It brings good health and facilitates delivery.
This mantra teaches cohesiveness and unity’s faith, ethics, and values.
Best time to recite the Brihaspati mantra Every morning
Number of times to chant this mantra 19000 times in 41 days
Chant this mantra facing Any direction
6. Venus or Shukra mantra
Venus, also known as Shukra, represents love and commitment. Despite the fact that it is also known as ‘Guru of the Asuras.’ He is the karaka of all delights.
The Shukra mantra is:
Aum Dran Drin Dron She Shukraye Namah
Meaning- I bow down in front of Lord Shukra who is made of seed sound
The Shukra mantra aids in the removal of obstacles to marriage and childbirth.
One is fortunate to have worldly pleasures in life.
Women can achieve beautification by repeating this mantra on a routine basis.
Life’s ambiguities fade away, and stability and prosperity reign supreme.
7. Saturn or Shani mantra
Saturn, or Shani, is also regarded as the God of Order and Responsibility. It depicts the way of truthfulness and integrity. Shani is also Astrology’s most feared planet.
The Shani mantra is:
Aum Pram Prim Pron She Shanicharaye Namah
Meaning- Salutations to Lord Shani. Please be in my favour and calm my senses.
It aids in the removal of difficulties and obstructions.
Shani Mantra aids in the removal of unfavourable planetary situations.
It provides relief from Sade Sati’s sufferings.
The Saturn Mantra bestows healthy lifestyle, prosperity, and joy.
It alleviates depressive symptoms.
Best time to recite the Shani mantra After sunset, every evening 10 malas daily
Number of times to chant this mantra 23000 times in 41 days
Chant this mantra facing Any direction, sitting position
8. North node or Rahu mantra
Rahu, also known as the Moon’s North Node, is the dictator of the directions. This celestial body is a shadow entity that generates eclipses. It is an expression of worldly ambitions and material pleasures.
The Rahu mantra is:
Om Bhraam Bhreem Bhraum Saanha Raahve Namah
Meaning- I offer my obeisance to the Lord Rahu and bless me with the sounds corresponding to the wavelength of Rahu.
The Rahu Mantra guards against all bad spirits and negative thinking.
It strengthens your impression by connecting you to the universal energy.
Rahu Mantra has the ability to endow you with wonderful abilities.
This mantra has the ability to energise you.
With the use of this mantra, you can acquire all kinds of material riches.
Best time to recite the Rahu mantra Before sunrise and after sunset
Number of times to chant this mantra 18000 times in 41 days
Chant this mantra facing Any direction
9. South node or Ketu mantra
Ketu is the Moon’s ‘South Node,’ and he is the obstacle-maker. It is the body that orbits desiring inwardly.’ When the conditions are favourable, this Graha bestows spiritual tendencies, asceticism, and self-knowledge.
The Ketu mantra is:
Aum Sram Srin Sron Seh Ketve Namah
Meaning- I offer my obeisance to the violent and fearsome Ketu, who is gifted with the strength of Lord Shiva.
This Mantra counteracts Ketu’s negative influences.
It aids in the attainment of deep intelligence and religious awareness.
It bestows the gift of healing power.
Enhances the effectiveness of instinct.
To eradicate the malefic effects of planets and the evil eye, this remedy is recommended.
Best time to recite the Ketu mantra At night, starting from Friday
Number of times to chant this mantra 23000 times in 41 days
Chant this mantra facing Any direction
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