
YOGA : These are the Yoga asanas for Asthma Relief

Asthma is an extremely troublesome condition, leaving the person gasping for breath and in some cases it can have dangerous consequences as well. Most people who suffer from asthma are asked to use inhalers and may be prescribed bronchodilators. But just because you are an asthmatic doesn’t mean that you need to be on medication to survive.

Yoga can help beat the symptoms and make your lungs stronger. Here are eight yoga asanas that can help you overcome the challenges of asthma. 

These are the Yoga asanas for Asthma Relief

1.Ujayee pranayam: 

This is a form of pranayam that is done while lying down and while standing. It improves lung function, expands your lungs, helps you hold breath for longer and gives your body essential oxygen.

If you are trying this pranayam  for the first time, make sure you do ujayee pranayam first in the lying position and once you have mastered it you can move on to the standing ujayee pranayam.

2.Ekpada uttanasana: 

This asana is perfect for people with asthma because it helps the lungs to open up and oxygenates the entire respiratory system. This asana also makes your hips more flexible, improves digestion, tones the muscles around your abdomen and enhances the working of the glands related to libido. Ekpada uttan asana is also known to be very effective against menstrual disorders. 

3.Tara asana:

This asana is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the chest while strengthening your lungs. Due to the movement of your hands, while performing this asana, the muscles around the chest area become toned and your bronchioles and lungs strengthens. This asana also helps in the development of chest and relieves pain around the back and the shoulders. 

4.Yoga mudra:

This asana helps expand the chest and exercise the lungs. Because of the bending action of this asana, blood from the lower portions of the body rush upwards and helps massage the lower part of the lungs, bronchioles and nourishes the nerves of that area. This helps strengthen your lungs and overall respiratory system. 

5.Ushtra asana: 

Also known as the camel pose, this asana is exactly what the doctors recommend for asthma patients. This asana helps open up the chest and improves breathing. It activates the facial tissues, the nasal passage, the pharynx, and stimulates the nerves of the respiratory system.

This asana also helps correct disorders of the neck, shoulders, spine, and helps the sensory organs function optimally.

6.Simha asana: 

This asana is known for its ability to help relieve throat problems, voice disruptions and tonsillitis. Simha asana also helps improve one’s respiratory system as it activates the larynx, trachea and lungs. It also activates the thyroid gland, allowing it to functions better and making your entire body healthy. 

7.Sarvanga asana: 

This asana is known for its ability to activate and relieve thyroid problems. But apart from that it is a great for asthmatics. Sarvangasana is known to help improve the circulatory system, improves supply of blood to facial tissues, relieves constipation, gastrointestinal problems and strengthens the entire body.

8.Matsya asana: 

Also known as the fish pose, this asana helps to improve circulation to the chest, face, neck and glands present in those areas. It also helps relieve symptoms of back pain and tones the muscles of the chest, back, neck and lengthens the spine. It also helps correct disorders of the respiratory system.

Do remember: Please do not over strain yourself, and if you find your symptoms becoming worse or persisting please visit a doctor immediately. This is an article on yoga poses that can help relieve symptoms of asthma and should not be used as a substitute for medical advice.


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